woensdag 30 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 6

Kaartje nummer 6 vond ik vandaag op de deurmat, deze komt uit Polen.
Today card number 6 arrived, it's from Poland.

My name is Klaudia and I live in small city Zlotow.
Sorry for mistakes but I'm not too good with English.
I read that you like cards with snowmans, but unfortunelly I can't find this card.
Christmas soon so I send this card with two little snowmans on the left.
Merry Christmas for uou and your husband! (:
If you travel a lot, you probably also visited Poland. I think that my country is very beautiful.

Pozdnowienia & Polski ??????
and happy postcrossing

Postcard ID: PL-311442
Traveltime: 6 days
Distance: 789 km - 490 miles

vrijdag 25 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 5

Het volgende kaartje viel vandaag al weer op de deurmat, deze komt uit Finland, is het geen leuke?
Today I received again a postcard, this one is from Finland, isn't it cute?

Many greets from central Finland. I'm 20 year old girl from Jyvaskyla.
I hope you like this card, I's from a famous childrens book.
Best wishes to you and your family.

Postcard ID: FI-1255339
Traveltime: 9 days
Distance: 1659 km - 1031 miles

donderdag 24 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 4

Vandaag lag er weer een kaartje op de deurmat, deze komt uit Zwitserland, één van mijn favoriete vakantie bestemmingen en Europa.
Today I received again a postcard in my mailbox, this time from one off my favourite countrys in Europe, Switzerland.

Greetings from Switzerland!
This postcard shows you some famous sights of Switzerland. I live in the North of Switzerland, near Lake Zurich. It is a great place to visit and live.
Hope, some day you'll be able to see Switzerland by your own eyes.
Happy postcrossing!

Postcard ID: CH-93347
Traveltime: 5 dagen
Distance: 551 km - 342 miles

dinsdag 22 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 3

En ook kaartje nummer 3 lag vandaag in de brievenbus, helemaal uit Japan vandaan.
I also got card number 3 in my mailbox, it came from Japan.

Het kwam van Krista en ze schreef:
It came from Krista and she wrote:

Dear Tineke, how are you?
My name is Krista and I live in Japan, but I'm from the U.S.
I hope you like this postcard, I chose it for you because it depicits a traditional Japanese dance.
Take care, Happy Postcrossing

Postcard ID: JP-214923
Traveltime: 10 days
Distance: 9295 km - 5776 miles

Kaartje nummer 2

Vandaag ontving ik dan eindelijk mijn 2e kaartje, ditmaal uit Amerika.
Today I received my 2th card, this time from the USA.

Het kaartje werd gestuurd door Caitlin O'Connor en ze schreef een quote van Ralph Waldo Emerson:
The card was sent by Caitlin O'Connor and she wrote this quote by  Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience".

Postcard ID: US-1385484
Traveltime: 18 days
Distance: 9020 km - 5605 miles

zondag 13 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 1

Mijn eerste ontvangen kaartje op 10 november:
I received my first postcard on November 10th:

I live in Pula, Croatia.
This is Roman amphiteater with bigest tie ever (Guiness record).
This performance was in august 2003.
I hope you like it.
Greetings from Croatia Nenad (dugi)

Postcard ID: HR-26744
Traveltime: 6 days
Distance: 1002 km - 623 miles