donderdag 10 mei 2012

Kaartje nummer 73

Mijn eerste kaartje uit Slowakije heb ik ook ontvangen.
I received my first postcard from Slovakia.

Ahoj (Hello) :)
My name is Nata'lia and I'm from Slovakia.
I live in a village near Sered. I study at the Business Academy.
I'm 16 and I love drawing.
Sered is a town located in western Slovakia.
I hope you like this card. I wish you luck and joy.
Stay happy.

Postcard ID: SK-18547
Traveltime: 4 days
Distance: 962 km - 598 miles

dinsdag 8 mei 2012

Kaartje nummer 72

Natuurlijk kunnen ze mij altijd blij maken met een schaapjes kaart. Deze is weer uit Wit Rusland.
Receiving a card with sheep on it, makes me always happy. This one is from Belarus.

Hello Tineke
This nice card for you. Today us Sunday and raining outside.
Very good day for watching the movie, reading book, listening the music.
Have a nice day :)

Postcard ID: BY-401726
Traveltime: 4 days
Distance: 1486 km - 923 miles

Kaartje nummer 71

Het volgende kaartje komt uit Oekraïne.
The next card is from Ukraine.

Happy postcrossing for you.
I'm Lydia, 23, starting graphic designer from Ukraine. I like mountains and this is one of my favourite places in Crimea. This church is older than 100 years, but the beauty of eternal nature is greater!
I hope the spring is already comes to you and gift you the best mood! :)
Good luck!

Postcard ID: UA-239775
Traveltime: 7 days
Distance: 2189 km - 1360 km

Kaartje nummer 70

Ik ontving ook nog een kaartje uit Wit Rusland.
I also received a card from Belarus.

Hello Tineke!!!
Greetings from Belarus! My name is Boshana, I'm living in a town near the Dniepeer, my house is near this river therefore.
I can see the Dnieper even when I write this postcard.
I am study in a High School. My hobby is drawing and philately.
Have a nice day.

Postcard ID: BY-393020
Traveltime: 6 days
Distance: 1658 km - 1030 miles

Kaartje nummer 69

Een land waar ik regelmatig kaartjes vandaan krijg is Amerika. Zo ook deze.
A country where I regularly get cards from is America. Also this one.

Hello Tineke!
Most of the time I live near Chicago - about 64 km west of the city.
While I love the skyline and all the theatres and museums, it's nice to have my quiet country home to return to.
Right now I am at our island home near Seattle, on the West Coast.
Happy postcrossing!

Postcard ID: US-1589249
Traveltime: 6 days
Distance: 6719 km - 4175 miles