zaterdag 31 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 18

Gisteren lag er weer een kaartje in de brievenbus, deze komt uit China.
Yesterday another postcard arrived, its from China.

Hello Tineke:
I'm Wan Mengyuan, a university student from Beijing.
This postcard is a scene of Ba Shang grassland, it is far away from our city.
I took this photo when I spent the weekend with my archery team - most of them are my middle school classmates, we've trained and attend championship contests together for 5 years, and all of us are graduated from middle school and don't enjoy archery any more, but we still are good friends.
I've painted this view and gift the picture to my coach.
Today I sent it to you, hope you like it.

Postcard ID: CN-498253
Traveltime: 14 days
Distance: 7830 km - 4865 miles

woensdag 28 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 17

Ook vandaag mocht de postbode weer een kaartje bezorgen. Dit mooie kaartje komt uit India.
Today the mailman had to deliver another postcard in my mailbox. This beautiful card came from India.

Hi Tineke,
greetings from India.
I am sending you a postcard of a Indian folk dancer (classical Indian dance drama) names Kathakali.
It is well known for the attractive make-up of characters & well-defined body movements.
It diginated in southern Indian state Kerala in 17th century.
The performance takes 3-4 hours to complete.
Hope you like the card.
Happy postcrossing.
Harpreet - India

Postcard ID: IN-2552-0
Traveltime: 36 days
Distance: 7649 km - 4753 miles

dinsdag 27 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 16

Vandaag kreeg ik zo'n ontzettend leuk kaartje in de brievenbus, met één van mijn favoriete onderwerpen, nl. sneeuwpoppen. Het komt uit Rusland.
Today I received this very cute postcard in my mailbox. This snowman is one of my favorites. It was sent from Russia.

Hello Tineke!
My name is Svetlana. I live in a small town in Western Siberia - Surgut.
I send you this card with the snowman and I wish you a Happy New Year.
Have a nice day and good mood.

Postcard ID: RU-685906
Traveltime: 19 days
Distance: 4085 km - 2538 miles

vrijdag 23 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 15

Vandaag lag er weer een mooi kaartje met een zelf gemaakte foto uit Finland in de brievenbus.
Today I received a beautiful postcard with a selfmade photo on it from Finland.

Greetings from Finland. I hope this selfmade sunrising is ok.
I was so busy last night when I left drive to workarea, that I have with me only this postcard.
We have snow. -1 C and it's snowing more.
Best wishes Pirjo.

Postcard ID: FI-1283414
Traveltime: 5 days
Distance: 1833 km - 1139 miles

donderdag 22 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 14

 Vandaag lag kaartje nummer 14 op de mat. Deze gezellige kerstmannen komen uit Duitland.
Today I received card number 14. These Santa's are from Germany.

Hi Tineke!
You just received a postcard from Germany.
I'm 26 years old and I live in a small village near Bremen.

Merry Christmas, Melanie

Postcard ID: DE-1166190
Traveltime: 7 days
Distance: 275 km - 171 miles

donderdag 15 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 13

De postbode is er maar druk mee, vandaag is er weer een kaartje aangekomen. Een mooi folklore kaartje uit Polen.
The mailman is very busy with bringing postcards, today I received another one. Its a beautiful folklore card from Poland.

Dzien dobry! Hello!
I send you card with Polish folklore.
I live on Silesian industrial area.
We are well know for mine of the hard vituminous coal, miners and polluted air :)
But Silesian is green too! And I love my city and Silesien.
Greetings from Poland!
Merry Christmas! Katarzyna

Postcard ID: PL-317262
Traveltime: 11 days
Distance: 960 km - 597 miles

woensdag 14 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 12

Het tweede kaartje van vandaag komt uit Amerika. Hierop staat een prachtige quilt.
The second card today I received from the USA. It shows a beautiful quilt.

I am sending you this card based on your interest in quilting.
My mother was a fantastic quilter, and she actually made this patters for me - she once told me that the "log cabin"pattern is symbolic of home, with the bright central square showing the hearth of the home.
Happy postcrossing!

Postcard ID: US-1426176
Traveltime: 12 days
Distance: 7851 km - 4878 miles

Kaartje nummer 11

Vandaag lagen er weer 2 kaartjes in de brievenbus. Het eerste kaartje is uit Japan.
Op het kaartje staan Daruma dolls: deze poppetjes zijn een symbool voor volharding, geluk en aanmoediging.
Today I received again two postcards. This card is from Japan.

The card shows Daruma dolls:
"The Daruma doll is a Japanese doll modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism.
Daruma dolls are seen as a symbol of perseverance, good luck and encouragement".

Greetings from Japan.
I'm glad to send you this card.
This card is Daruma.
I hope you enjoy it.
Happy postcrossing Posnyan

Postcard ID: JP-221612
Traveltime: 6 days
Distance; 9248 km - 5764 miles

maandag 12 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 10

Mijn 10e kaartje ontving ik vandaag.
Today I received my 10th postcard.

I wish you a merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2012.
Heinz from Cologne

Postcard ID: DE-1155239
Traveltime: 4 days
Distance: 154 km - 96 miles

woensdag 7 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 9

Het tweede kaartje van vandaag kwam zelfs nog verder weg, uit China
The second card I received today is from China.

Dear Tineke,
I'm very glad to send postcard to you. I'm a 18 year old girl who leved in ChenDu.
I like reading, traveling and also like listening music.
ChengDu is a beautiful city in China.
Once you come to ChengDu, you will never want to leave it there.
There are many beautiful landscape, delicious food, friendly people.
The animal on this postcard is giant panda. It is a rare animal peculiar to China.
Panda is expecially lovely for its fat body with black and white hair, ??? face, elegant bearing and honest manner.
If you have the chance, welcome to ChenDu.

Postcard ID: CN-480833
Traveltime: 17 days
Distance: 7922 km - 4923 miles

Kaartje nummer 8

Na een week stilte lagen er vandaag 2 kaartjes in de brievenbus.
Het eerste kaartje had een verre reis gemaakt en kwam uit Canada.
After a week with no cards, today I got two in m y mailbox.
The first one did travel very far, it's from Canada.

I hope you're having a wonderful day.
These are pictures of some places in the Rocky Mountains.
A lot of people go camping or hiking there in the summer, and ski there in the winter.

Postcard ID: CA-206223
Traveltime: 12 days
Distance: 7009 km - 4355 miles

donderdag 1 december 2011

Kaartje nummer 7

Vandaag vond ik een kaartje uit Tsjechië in de brievenbus, het is zo leuk elke keer weer een ander stukje van de wereld thuis te krijgen.
Today I received a postcard from Czech republic, its fun receiving different parts of the world in the mailbox.

Hi Tineke,
I send you greetings from Czech republic and I send you postcard of KUTNA HORA.
This town is ca. 15 km by Caslav and is in UNESCO.
I wish you nice day.

Postcard ID: CZ-149099
Traveltime: 3 days
Distance: 729 km - 453 miles

woensdag 30 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 6

Kaartje nummer 6 vond ik vandaag op de deurmat, deze komt uit Polen.
Today card number 6 arrived, it's from Poland.

My name is Klaudia and I live in small city Zlotow.
Sorry for mistakes but I'm not too good with English.
I read that you like cards with snowmans, but unfortunelly I can't find this card.
Christmas soon so I send this card with two little snowmans on the left.
Merry Christmas for uou and your husband! (:
If you travel a lot, you probably also visited Poland. I think that my country is very beautiful.

Pozdnowienia & Polski ??????
and happy postcrossing

Postcard ID: PL-311442
Traveltime: 6 days
Distance: 789 km - 490 miles

vrijdag 25 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 5

Het volgende kaartje viel vandaag al weer op de deurmat, deze komt uit Finland, is het geen leuke?
Today I received again a postcard, this one is from Finland, isn't it cute?

Many greets from central Finland. I'm 20 year old girl from Jyvaskyla.
I hope you like this card, I's from a famous childrens book.
Best wishes to you and your family.

Postcard ID: FI-1255339
Traveltime: 9 days
Distance: 1659 km - 1031 miles

donderdag 24 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 4

Vandaag lag er weer een kaartje op de deurmat, deze komt uit Zwitserland, één van mijn favoriete vakantie bestemmingen en Europa.
Today I received again a postcard in my mailbox, this time from one off my favourite countrys in Europe, Switzerland.

Greetings from Switzerland!
This postcard shows you some famous sights of Switzerland. I live in the North of Switzerland, near Lake Zurich. It is a great place to visit and live.
Hope, some day you'll be able to see Switzerland by your own eyes.
Happy postcrossing!

Postcard ID: CH-93347
Traveltime: 5 dagen
Distance: 551 km - 342 miles

dinsdag 22 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 3

En ook kaartje nummer 3 lag vandaag in de brievenbus, helemaal uit Japan vandaan.
I also got card number 3 in my mailbox, it came from Japan.

Het kwam van Krista en ze schreef:
It came from Krista and she wrote:

Dear Tineke, how are you?
My name is Krista and I live in Japan, but I'm from the U.S.
I hope you like this postcard, I chose it for you because it depicits a traditional Japanese dance.
Take care, Happy Postcrossing

Postcard ID: JP-214923
Traveltime: 10 days
Distance: 9295 km - 5776 miles

Kaartje nummer 2

Vandaag ontving ik dan eindelijk mijn 2e kaartje, ditmaal uit Amerika.
Today I received my 2th card, this time from the USA.

Het kaartje werd gestuurd door Caitlin O'Connor en ze schreef een quote van Ralph Waldo Emerson:
The card was sent by Caitlin O'Connor and she wrote this quote by  Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience".

Postcard ID: US-1385484
Traveltime: 18 days
Distance: 9020 km - 5605 miles

zondag 13 november 2011

Kaartje nummer 1

Mijn eerste ontvangen kaartje op 10 november:
I received my first postcard on November 10th:

I live in Pula, Croatia.
This is Roman amphiteater with bigest tie ever (Guiness record).
This performance was in august 2003.
I hope you like it.
Greetings from Croatia Nenad (dugi)

Postcard ID: HR-26744
Traveltime: 6 days
Distance: 1002 km - 623 miles