dinsdag 14 februari 2012

Kaartje nummer 41

De laatste dagen zijn er veel kaartjes binnengekomen en heb ik geen tijd gehad om ze op mijn blog te zetten.
Dit kaartje komt uit Engeland.
The last days I received a lot of postcards and I didn't have time to show them.
This one is from the United Kingdom.
Hi Tineke
This is a pictureof Bristol, the city where I study at the moment.
I know you said you like traditions. A tradition of the city of Bristol is the balloon festival in August or around that time.
About 100 balloons take off and its looks really nice.
I have been to the Netherlands twice now and really like it.
I am thinking of doing further study at Amsterdam University.
Stay well, Aiofe Sullivan

Postcard ID: GB-294352
Traveltime: 4 days
Distance: 565 km - 351 miles

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